Please use the sign in button below when arriving to school late or picking up early
In order to ensure our students’ safety, we have created a new sign in/out process.. Upon arriving at school, we ask that you fill out the Google form located above. There is also a QR code outside the main entrance. When needing to sign out your student early, we ask that you call the office ahead of time to ensure your student’s teacher has adequate time to pack them up, and you are not left waiting an extended period of time.
School drop off starts at 7:45am. Dismissal starts at 2:20pm.
Join us on Remind to get the most up to date information
** If you have not received a link
inviting you to join our school,
please contact office for a code.**

"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope!"
Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)
We are a part of New Life Assembly. Reaching up in worship, around through fellowship, in through discipleship, and out through evangelism.
To learn more about our curriculum and tuition cost, visit our "About Us" page.
A Beka Book provides Christian schools with outstanding curriculum and textbooks built on a foundation of academic excellence and Christian character training.
New Life Academy is dedicated to promoting the achievement of academic excellence while
imparting timeless Christian values using the A Beka curriculum as well as the Bob Jones Curriculum. Partner with us and make a difference in your child's future as we unlock their full potential together!
We challenge each child to achieve beyond the standard curriculum. We are dedicated to the children's growth and development in all areas, providing plenty of outside play time and opportunities to explore their interests. Our students thrive in an atmosphere which stimulates their creativity and imagination. They build friendships and inspire one another to greater learning as they work together in small groups. Our classroom sizes are small, enabling us to give each student the attention needed to learn and accomplish tasks. At New Life Academy, each student's success emanates from the dynamic partnership between teachers, students, and parents.
Our Vision
Our Mission

